Not so Quiet on the Celebrancy Front

At least for a week!

A funeral at last. I was beginning to think that nobody was ever going to want my services again. Then, quite late at night I received a text following a telephone message that I hadn’t picked up for over a day. I thought that I had been passed over due to my late response — which was another message left by me — never a good way to conduct communication but you have to use the best way you can.

With Covid restrictions and sensible precautions, face-to-face family visits are not an option — something about which I am thoroughly dismayed, so it all has to be conducted by telephone, text and email.

I’m sure that anyone who takes funerals, whether religious or non-religious will agree, it’s the family contact that is the most important part of a funeral. The ceremony is important too, but just being able to talk freely to the family makes such a difference.

I will do the best that I can under the circumstances, so right now I must get on with writing it.



Celebrant Number 9

After a career spent largely in education, ranging through almost every sector, I am now a Humanist Funeral Celebrant. I work in the West Midlands and beyond.